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Chien Golden Retriever Stanroph She's the one for me


Informations sur le chien

  • Sexe


  • Née le 18/02/2010

    15 an et 1 mois

  • Couleur


  • Puce


  • Inscrit au Livre d'origine


  • N° d'origine


  • Cotation

    4 - Recommandé

  • ADN



Tares oculaires - eye defects - néant - none 03/2013Hanches - Hips - A/AGR-PRA1, GR-PRA2 - clearCoudes - Elbows - 0/0

Propriétaire et producteur

Les parents

Stanroph Stand by you
Grand père
CH. stormerick Solomon
CH. stormerick Solomon
Grand mère
Stanroph Sandy shore
CH. Stanroph she's got the looks
CH. Stanroph she's got the looks
Grand père
CH. Stanroph So it had to be
CH. Stanroph So it had to be
Grand mère
Stanroph Secret final
Stanroph Secret final
Pédigree de Stanroph She's the one for me

Ses résultats

  • 2ème Prix

    27/2/2013 à Paris

    Manifestion : working class - Juge : Mr Medrad Ringuet/ Dupas

  • Stanroph She's the one for me - 3rd excellent
    3rd excellent

    10/12/2012 à Bruxelles

    no comment

    Manifestion : working class female - Juge : R M Scholes

  • 2ème excellent

    25/11/2012 à Laval

    Strong model, lovely head with excellent pigmentation. Excellent eyes color, dentition. Very nice neck, excellent shoulder, excellent set of the legs and tail. excellent chest in 3 D. solid top line. Excellent hindquarters. Excellent quality of coat. Excellent movement.

    Manifestion : working class female - Juge : Mme Stephan

  • 2nd excellent

    18/11/2012 à Courtrai

    no comment.

    Manifestion : travail - Juge : Mme Jolly

  • 1st excellent

    20/10/2012 à Cambray

    well builded strong bitch. Excellent bones. beautiful expressive and well pigmented head. excellent front and rear angulations. Excellent topline? Tail in the ligne. excellent chest in the 3D. Excellent in her movement. Large and dynamic movement. Beautiful color of her coat.

    Manifestion : working class female - Juge : Mme Rault

  • Stanroph She's the one for me - 1st excellent and 1st Female
    1st excellent and 1st Female

    23/6/2012 à Chambord

    So lovely head and expression. good neck and top line. correct angulations. excellent move

    Manifestion : working class female - Juge : Mrs Gray Bloechliger Sally

  • Stanroph She's the one for me - 2nd excellent and RCACS!!!
    2nd excellent and RCACS!!!

    2/6/2012 à Fontainebleau

    Strong head, good angulation in front and behind, level top line, good quarters. very well balanced. full of quality. moved with drive.

    Manifestion : working class female - Juge : Mrs Anne Falconer

  • 1st excellent

    29/4/2012 à Oulins

    A lovely 2 years old bitch. lovely head. good expression. lovely length of muzzle. good eye both color and shape. Strong neck. Nice lenght of body. Souned bones. Good feet. Handled and moves excellently.

    Manifestion : working class female - Juge : Mme O'Donoghue Mary

  • Stanroph She's the one for me - 1st excellent
    1st excellent

    15/4/2012 à Saint-Lezin

    head in harmony with the body. Teeth properly. good topline. correct angulation. correct movement

    Manifestion : working class female - Juge : Mr Jos de Cuyper

  • 2nd excellent

    25/3/2012 à Angers

    powerful bitch, well within the type, well-proportioned. lovely golden color. head properly conformed. correct neck, shoulders, top-line, chest, hin quarters. excellent coat, feet. moves with ease

    Manifestion : working class female - Juge : Mme Danielle Chalard

  • Stanroph She's the one for me - 3rd excellent
    3rd excellent

    21/8/2011 à Château-Gontier

    excellent well builded bitch. good typic head. excellent expression. good neck, excellent angulations font and behind, vertical limbs, excellent top line, ribcage well developed. beautiful quality coat, excellent moved

    Manifestion : Intermediar Female - Juge : Mme Rault

  • 4th excellent

    14/7/2011 à Maltot

    model of good size with a pretty head and good expression. good neck, chest and breast are well developed. good top line, good tail set, move well

    Manifestion : young female - Juge : Mr JL Pigal

  • 2nd excellent

    2/6/2011 à Evreux

    excellent head with a width which corresponds to its length. excellent bones and topline, feet, tail set, excellent free steps.

    Manifestion : young female - Juge : Mme Boulot

  • Stanroph She's the one for me - 4th excellent
    4th excellent

    9/4/2011 à Saint-Pierre des Ifs

    Very nice head and expression. Good lay back of shoulder, level top line and tail set.Good hindquarters,bones and feet. Moved well

    Manifestion : Young female - Juge : Mrs Joy Venturi-Ros

  • excellent

    12/12/2010 à Nantes

    A strong bitch with a stron head. Excellent neck and shoulder. Excellent chest. Good topline and tail set. Moves well

    Manifestion : young female - Juge : Mme Volorikova Linda

  • 2ème exc - young Female /jeune femelle

    4/12/2010 à Rouen

    Excellent Head, neck, top line, good shoulders, excellent bones, hindquarters, feets, thorax, coat, move with excellent thrust.

    Manifestion : Junior class - Juge : Mme Boulot

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